Tuesday, 4 December 2012

The Cat Lady and Christmas

Seasons greetings! I just wanted to write a quick update, sales of The Cat Lady have started, Screen 7's first major release. It can be bought at http://www.thecatlady.co.uk

It's been a long, tiring process but I am glad it's finally out in some capacity. We still have a couple of weeks ahead getting it sorted for DVD's, Desura and some other places. I've learned a few things along the way.

2012 has been extremely productive for me, but it's also been tough. I haven't been out in daylight most of this year because so much has had to be done on the PC. Updating a website might seem like a simple task but it can turn into a 6 hour stint. Setting up a game for distribution isn't the click of a button, it takes weeks of preparation and beyond especially if you're doing it for the first time.

But there's been a lot of support and things definitely look positive for the near future. AdventureX is running again this year which is going to be interesting - as I didn't have as much time to organize it as I did last year, but there seems to be double the interest there was 365 days ago.

Next year will be thrilling, Ravenwood moves along in leaps and bounds and from January I will be able to concentrate fully on Kinky Island. Didn't holiday this year, so you may not see/hear from me between AdventureX and the end of January, I need to put my feet up and give my eyes a bit of a rest, and get thoroughly fucking drunk...

I'm not going to admit everything went perfectly this year, but it certainly went in the right direction. There is lots a lots a lots more to do before the church bells can really start peeling - but thanks again for reading and keeping an interest in what I do.

Have a merry christmas!!


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